
August 24, 2023

Carlos III University of Madrid awards Hydra Space and Acorde Technologies the 6G-Xtreme2023 project

The Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M) has awarded Hydra Space and Acorde Technologies the contract for the 6G-Xtreme project related to the space segment. Furthermore, the project 6G-Xtreme is part of the Digital Infrastructure Universalization Program for the UNICO R&D 5G cohesion. The objective of this project is to […]
August 24, 2023

Hydra Space sponsors Space Generation Advisory Council event 2022 in Madrid

Hydra Space sponsors the second instance of this event is taking place this summer in Madrid on June 24th and 25th, intended for university students, young professionals (aged 18-35 years) and guest speakers from the space industry, space agencies, space non-governmental organizations and research laboratories. The purpose of the event […]
June 21, 2022

Hydra Space closes its seed finance round

Hydra Space team is very happy to announce that our first seed finance round has been closed. We want to thank all investors supporting us, including BTS – Business Telecommunications Services , Manuel Lobeira (ACORDE TECHNOLOGIES, S.A. CEO), Usyncro – Blockchain & AI Tech 4 Logistics, its CEO Cristina Martin and several business angels who have trusted us. They […]
May 20, 2022

Hydra Space: Company Evolution

2022, June – Hydra Space in European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO) Spanish event Hydra Space introduced to students the application of satellites to the Internet of Thing, an alternative solution which is receiving a lot of interest and with a significant growth expected in the coming years. In this […]